
Buffalo Bayou Collection
Houston, TX, 2019-21

Flora, 2021, HD video edited for web, courtesy the artist

Collected with the support of the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center Conservation Team, the flora collection is similar to the fauna. It includes 3-D printed objects and moving images. The 3-D prints carry sediment from the bayou. Similar to urns, they hold the remains of an ecosystem. Through the scanning software, the moving images become abstracted, plasticized. These digital objects inhabit a virtual space far removed from the original’s habitat.

(top) Wildflowers, 2021, 3-D printed PLA bioplastic with pigmented powder coat, found bayou sediment

(left) Fall Foliage, 2021, 3-D printed PLA bioplastic with pigmented powder coat, found bayou sediment